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ArianeServer allows you to listen several events.


arianeServer {
serverListener = object : ServerListener {

override fun onStart(host: String, port: Int, path: String) {
println("Server ready 🚀")
println("Listening at http://localhost:$port$path")

override fun onStop() {
println("Server stop. Bye. 🌜")


arianeServer {
requestListener = object : RequestListener{

override fun onReceived(httpRequest: HttpRequest) {
//Called when a request has been received.

override fun onParsed(graphQLRequest: GraphQLRequest) {
//Called when a request has been successfully parsed.

override fun onValidated(executionInput: ExecutionInput) {
//Called when a GraphQL request has been validated.

override fun onExecuted(graphQLResponse: GraphQLResponse) {
//Called when a GraphQL request has been executed.

override fun onResponded() {
//Called when a HTTP request has been responded.

override fun onError(e: Throwable) {
//Called when an error occurred during the request.


This lifecycle schema can help you understand when a RequestListener method is called.

Request listener


arianeServer {
subscriptionListener = object : SubscriptionListener {

override fun onNewConnection(sessionId: String) {
//Called when a new websocket client initiates the connection

override fun onConnected(sessionId: String, context: Any?) {
//Called when a websocket client has been connected

override fun onStartSubscription(sessionId: String, context: Any?, operationId: String, graphQLRequest: GraphQLRequest) {
//Called when a client start to listen to a Subscription

override fun onStopSubscription(sessionId: String, context: Any?, operationId: String) {
//Called when a client stop to listen to a Subscription

override fun onCloseConnection(sessionId: String, context: Any?) {
//Called when a client disconnects